Product Blurb: NARIS UP Natural Facial Pack (Green Tea Extract + AHA)is a skin care pack to remove dirt, oil, and blackheads deep inside the pores while making the skin smoother and softer with restored moisture. This skin pack contains green tea extract and AHA to restore the natural moisture of the skin. With repaired elasticity, the AHA and job's tears will help protect your skin from the inside to prevent damage from the outside. skin friendly3.5 oz.(100g) tube
Direction: *This is fluid type pack, so open with the cap facing upwards.
1. After washing face, condition skin with a lotion or milk lotion, apply an appropriate amount evenly all over face. Avoid around eyes, eyebrow, hairline and lips.*Apply cream lotion before use so mask can be taken off gently.
2. When the pack has dried completely (about 10 minutes), peel off gradually from the forehead downward.
3. Finish with creme if it is necessary.* Recommended using once or twice a week.
Price: $6.99
Available at: Ohayo store,, Marukai, Mitsuwa
Overall Rating: 2.5 out of 5
Quick Rundown
leaves skin soft and smooth
gets rid of whiteheads on your face
not for people who have low pain tolerance
might irritate a blemish, if there's any
a bit messy
doesn't get the stubborn blackheads out
will tug your skin
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I picked up this mask during my previous
trip to the Ohayo Store in Puente Hills. Since the text on the product is in Japanese, I had consulted with the lady working at the moment which was more suitable for oily, combo, or acne-prone skin, and she had recommended this one as opposed to the
egg version (probably because of the green tea).
I was a bit eager to try the product out since it's practically a "Biore" strip for your whole face. Could this have been the answer for clogged pores?
So, I went ahead and looked up the instruction online on the Ohayo website and as well as asked
Yumeko of a second opinion on the translation xP.
I got started and washed my face prior to application. It mentioned that I have to moisturize my face first before putting the goop on my face. And, I just thought it was a bit odd since you are trying to clear out your pores first. Anyway, I proceeded with the procedure and applied the facial pack on my face.
Because of its thick and sticky consistency (very tacky), I ended up tugging my skin as I spread the product out. At this point I'm getting a bit worried since I don't like putting too much pressure or let alone tugging my face.
So I applied it all over my face, and obviously avoiding the eye area. At this point, I'm just tugging all over my face and it's getting quite messy. I tried my best to avoid getting any of the product on my hairline and eyebrows.
After I have let sit on my face for approximately 10 to 15 minutes, I was a bit anxious to pull it out. The very first time I've tried it, I only put a thin layer on my face which made it harder to take it off. Around the second time around, I've piled it on thick which made it a bit easier to take off. After it has dried out, it'll look like a film on your face as if you've smothered Elmer's glue on your face (Remember when you were a kid? And you'd smother glue all over your palm so you can peel it off once it dries? It's like that! Or was it just me who did that in art class??).
It was quite a challenge peeling the film off your face not unless you kinda wrinkle your nose or make some sort of movements on your forehead to loosen it up a bit. This facial mask is not recommended for those who can't handle nose pore strips, because this will hurt even. Even with the lotion prior to putting the facial mask on your face. I mean I have a pretty high pain tolerance when it comes to my face. I do pluck my eyebrows with tweezers, and for some reason I do find that relaxing in a way. I've used pore strips and that doesn't really bother me at all.
But with this thing, I ended up with tears on my eyes. It seriously took at least 30 minutes before I got this off my skin. I was doing it in portions, and just stopping and going, just being careful. It feels as if you have duct tape your face and now you're pulling it out. It's even worse when you get below your eye area cuz it seems as if your skin is more sensitive there. And just the whole peeling process itself is also messy since the film will break at some point and it's not really going to peel as a whole off your face.
When I first tried it, I also had a pimple somewhere on my face. Again, not recommended for people with breakouts because it just might irritate your blemish even more. And once you're towards the part you're trying to peel it off there, it is going to hurt even more! My pimple ended up flaring red afterwards. I'm surprise it didn't pop in the process. And be careful when you get to your eyebrows, because it can pull off your hair if you force it. I suggest to just wash off that part if you didn't get it out.
The pack did get some of my whiteheads out, but the stubborn blackheads are still ever present. It didn't do so much on the blackhead department. It did leave my skin feeling soft and smooth after it was all said and done. However, the whole entire process was just too messy for me.
I also tried putting the facial pack WITHOUT putting lotion on first. And trust me it's even worse without it.
Final Verdict: Although it sounds like a good idea to have a "Biore" strip for face, this product just didn't cut it for me. For one, I didn't like how I have to tug and pull just to get the product on my face. And for something tacky like this, you would think it'll get your blackheads in a cinch, but it'll only to leave you disappointed when you check and see that it's still there hanging out on your nose.
And as far as putting lotion on first, I don't really like the idea, but it does minimize the pain when it's time to take it off. But if you think about it, it seems like you're just taking off the layer of moisturizer you just put and not so much for the dirt or oil on your face.
Even though this is a pretty neat idea, you'll probably get better results of unclogging your pores and getting rid of dirt with a good scrub (link:
honey and sugar scrub).