Radarte sweatshirt (hooded version) / H&M faux leather skirt (old, similar here and here) / H&M faux fur jacket (similar here and here) / Tibi boots (similar) / Karen Walker sunglasses
It's finally the weekend! I find myself looking forward to the weekends to clean. Yep, you heard it. To clean. Whether it's my room, my place, or my laptop, I spend my weekends trying to tidy up. But this outfit is something I would wear for a date night. It's a little sassy and edgy at the same time. Not to mention the sweatshirt and faux fur jacket combination will definitely keep me warm even with my exposed legs. Since our winters here are milder, my faux-leather skirt keeps my tush warm even though my legs are exposed. As long as I'm warm on top and my feet are covered, I don't get too cold.
This weekend is a pretty action packed weekend. This weekend ipsy is hosting their 2016 Generation Beauty event. They kicked-off the weekend with their cocktail party last night where they had a fun night for content creators only. It was nice to see and mingle with friends who I haven't seen in a while and friends who flew in from out-of-state for the weekend. They also had a cool DJ for the sounds of the night, an open bar, endless (it seemed like) of h'ordeuvres throughout the night. And of course, they sent us home with their humungous gift bag filled with beauty products.

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